The Head of the State Border Guard Service worked in the units defending the northern direction

01 of August 2024 08:18

Serhii Deineko made a working visit to the units of the 105th Prince Volodymyr the Great Border Guard Detachment of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the section of Ukrainian-russian border.

The Head of the SBGS familiarized himself with the situation regarding the actions of the border guard units as part of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, interaction with the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, checked their provision with all the necessary means to perform tasks and repel the armed aggression of the occupiers.

He also discussed in detail with the heads of the units the situation in the area of responsibility of Chernihiv Border Guard Detachment and the enemy's actions on the neighboring side.

The head of the Chernihiv border guard detachment, Colonel Oleksandr Pavlyk, characterizing the situation, noted that the occupiers are constantly firing at the border of Chernihiv region with various types of weapons. However, the border guards are bravely holding their positions and repelling the invaders.

They also discussed the issues of comprehensive support and identified ways to improve the logistical component of the combat work of the border guard units.

Special attention was paid to increasing the capabilities of unmanned aerial systems units and the effective use of UAVs to reconnoiter and defeat enemy military targets, thereby reducing the enemy's combat capabilities in this area.

The Head of the State Border Guard Service thanked the border guards for their professional actions in repelling and deterring russian armed aggression and wished them a quick victory.

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