Violator offered 3550 euros for crossing the border. Border guards caught the briber

05 of March 2023 08:09

During the inspection, a man provided a temporary military obligation certificate and a military medical commission certificate.

A 36-year-old native of the Luhansk region arrived at the Shehyni border crossing point. During the border control, the man provided a temporary military obligation certificate and a military medical commission certificate. The documents stated that the Ukrainian was unfit for military service and was excluded from military registration. However, during the document check, inspectors found signs indicating forgery. Border guards informed law enforcement officials of the discovery of signs of a criminal offense. However, the man's exposure did not stop him. After being refused to cross the border, he tried to "resolve the issue" by bribery. To the offer of a bribe in the amount of 3550 euros, the Lviv border guard responded with a refusal.

Border guards informed the National Police of this fact.

The briber was handed over to law enforcement officers by the border guards.

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