Ukrainian and Slovak Border Guards Detained a Group of Illegals in the Forest

22 of October 2021 08:01

Border guards of the ‘Novoselytsia’ border guard unit of the Chop detachment together with Slovak colleagues prevented a group of illegal migrants from crossing the common border illegally.

During the patrol, the border guard patrol noticed signs of several people being near the state border. The military launched search operations and, as there was a small distance from the scene to the border, immediately informed the Slovak police about the fact and direction of the probable violation of the border.

Subsequently, the Slovak side reported the detention, according to border guards of the Chop detachment, of seven illegal migrants. They were all undocumented. One of the detainees called himself a citizen of Ukraine, three - citizens of Afghanistan, another three - citizens of Pakistan.

Operational measures are underway to establish the circumstances of the offense and the persons involved in the smuggling of illegal migrants. After the relevant procedural measures and testing for COVID-19, they will be transferred to the territory of Ukraine by the way of readmission.

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