Two young men from Mykolaiv region tried to enter belarus illegally in Rivne region

18 of February 2023 08:00

Border guards of Zhytomyr Border Guard Detachment detected two men looking for ways to illegally cross the border.

Border guards were informed by local residents about the arrival of unknown persons at the border area. While checking the information, border guards stopped a vehicle on a highway in Rivne region which was moving towards the border with belarus. There were two men in the car, both were residents of Mykolaiv region. The men said they were going to a border town to visit relatives. However, the border guards verified the information and found out that people mentioned by the men never lived at the specified addresses. During the conversation the men started behaving nervously and inventing new purpose of their visit and point of destination.

Later, both men, 1998 and 2001 year of birth, admitted that they intended to cross the border illegally to avoid mobilization. In addition, there were numerous messages found on one of their cell phones expressing the intentions to get to the territory of russia or belarus as soon as possible.

Currently, the men were handed over to the relevant authorities to look into the case.

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