03 of June 2021 08:00

Foreigners tried to enter Ukraine illegally.

Foreigners tried to enter Ukraine illegally.

Border guards of the Uzhhorod border guard division of the Chop border guard detachment detained two Czech citizens who were making their way to the territory of our country outside the border crossing points.

An alarm device announced law enforcement officers about appearance of unknown near the state border. A response team left in search of violators, and the border area was reinforced with additional units.

One of the foreigners was found in a forest near the Huta village of Uzhhorod district. He had a Czech citizen's ID-card with him. During the interrogation, the detainee admitted that he was going to Ukraine not alone, but with a friend. District inspectors and the local population were involved in the search for another foreigner. Later, employees of one of the gas stations near the Nevytske village reported the appearance of an unknown person who asked in a foreign language how to get to Uzhhorod. The man was detained administratively. He also had Czech Republic ID-card.

The detainees were taken to the border guard unit. After circumstances of the offense will be cleared and bringing to administrative responsibility for violating the state border of Ukraine, foreigners will be transferred to the territory of Slovakia by readmission.

Another foreigner who tried to enter Ukraine with someone else's document was detained by border guards of the Lviv border guard detachment at the Lviv airport. The passenger provided border guards with a French Republic passport for verification. However, the border guards immediately doubted the bearer's passport. In addition, during the conversation, the man could not clearly answer questions concerning passport data and the purpose of his stay in Ukraine. The passenger later admitted that he was in fact a citizen of the Iran Islamic Republic.

With regard to a foreigner, a decision was made to deny in crossing the state border and ban entry into Ukraine for a period of 3 years.

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