They saw it from the air and detained it on the ground

23 of October 2021 08:01

Complex application of various forces and means in the protection of state borders provides effective protection of the Ukrainian border from attempts to cross it illegally.

In particular, yesterday in the Sumy region, within the framework of the operation ‘Border 2021’, the crew of the Kharkiv Separate Aviation Squadron found violators of the border regime.

During the air monitoring the Ukrainian and Russian border, Grabovske district, not far from the border, the pilots of the DA-40 saw two light vehicles. The aviators immediately reported the detection of unknown vehicles at the border to the unit guarding the area. The border patrol went to the specified direction and found two ‘VAZs’ and two citizens of Ukraine, residents of the border. As it turned out, the men were picking mushrooms.

Now, both citizens have been brought to administrative responsibility for violation of the border regime, namely for movement on roads that are not in the register of highways and lead to the state border.

We remind you that in the controlled border areas there are additional temporary regime restrictions, which were introduced by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated September 7, 2015 № 1075.

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