The State Border Guard Service deepens cooperation with ICMPD in Ukraine

31 of May 2023 08:07

Representatives of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service met with the delegation of the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Ukraine.

The meeting took place in the framework of the ICMPD employees’ visit to Ukraine. The delegation was headed by ICMPD Director for Migration Dialogue and Cooperation Martain Pluim.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the current state of bilateral cooperation and prospects for further cooperation.

ICMPD representatives assured the continued support of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, and also reported that after the start of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine, 47 foreign ministers of the countries participating in the Prague and Budapest processes condemned russia's actions and suspended its participation in the Prague process.

In turn, the representatives of the border guard agency informed the guests about the participation of the State Border Guard Service units of Ukraine in measures to repel armed aggression of russia and thanked the ICMPD delegation for the constant and consistent support of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the conditions of military aggression of the russian federation and readiness for deepening cooperation.

Also, in the framework of the ICMPD delegation’s visit to Ukraine, border guards took part in the 2nd meeting of the Coordination Group of the international technical assistance project "EU Support in Strengthening Integrated Border Management in Ukraine - Resilience (EU4IBMResilience)", which is implemented with the financial support of the European Union.

During the meeting, the progress achieved in the the project implementation was presented and further plans regarding the course of its implementation were agreed upon. So, as of today, as part of this project implementation, the border agency of Ukraine has already received 20 scanners for non-destructive inspection of objects of the Videray PX1 type. Currently, these devices are effectively used at the border crossing points on the border with EU countries and the Republic of Moldova.

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