The State Border Guard Service appreciates the attention of Estonian colleagues to the issues of Ukrainian state border protection and is open for effective cooperation in practice: Volodymyr Nikiforenko

14 of October 2021 08:00

The First Deputy of Head of the State Border Guard Service Volodymyr Nikiforenko met with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia Lauri Lugna and the Special Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia Tarm

Major General Volodymyr Nikiforenko introduced the participants of the meeting from the Border Guard Service of Ukraine and, first of all, thanked for the special attention in the development of bilateral cooperation to the issues of Ukrainian state border protection.

For his part, Mr. Lauri Lugna noted that understanding the situation on the Ukrainian border and in particular on the demarcation line in Joint Forces Operation zone provides an opportunity to understand how to act at all EU borders.

During the discussion of practical aspects of cooperation, the parties agreed on the possibility of exchanging experiences in the development of the Marine Guard. According to the guests, Estonia is very successful in this area of work. Whereas ships and boats used to be moored at berths, they now have a permanent presence at sea.

Another example of the success of Estonian colleagues is the introduction of an electronic queuing system and a complete solution to the problem of truck downtime when crossing land sections of the border at the Automobile border crossing points.

Volodymyr Nikiforenko noted that Ukraine also has a pilot project to implement an electronic queue system, in particular, at some border crossing points in Transcarpathia, but it needs significant refinement and improvement.

In addition, the parties discussed the possibility of practical training for officers serving in the land sectors of the border to study the specifics of the units activities and the introduction of best practices in border protection systems.

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