The russians continue to shell the border communities of Ukraine.

16 of August 2022 10:17

Yesterday, on 15 of August, Khotin, Znob-Novhorod and Shalyhyne communities of Sumy region, the Novhorod-Siverskyi community of Chernihiv region and Zolochiv of Kharkiv region came under enemy fire.

In the morning, there was a massive shelling of the Novhorod-Siverskyi community, more than 70 artillery shells exploded on the outskirts of one of the border settlements. As a result of shelling, civilian buildings were damaged, in particular, a club and a school. There were no people in the buildings.

In the first half of the day, two enemy mines of 120 mm calibre exploded on the territory of the Khotin community. The enemy opened fire from the russian settlement of nikolaievo-darino.

Also, the occupiers from the russian settlement bezimeno fired 122-mm calibre barrel artillery at the territory of Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region, which is on the border with Sumy region.

In the morning and in the afternoon, Shalyhyne community was shelled twice by the enemy from mortars and MLRS: 40 hits.

On the territory of Znob-Novhorod community, the rashists fired automatic grenade launchers - 8 explosions.

In the afternoon, not far from one of the border settlements of Krasnopillia community, a combine harvester exploded on a mine that was moving along the side of the road. The seriously injured combine driver was taken to the hospital.

Members of the Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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