The occupant will return in a package under the Christmas tree

24 of December 2022 08:02

The border guards threw out russians from the village and planted mines in the industrial zone.

In the Luhansk region, border guards using UAV detected enemy`s movement near one of the temporarily occupied villages.

Enemy infantry tried to settle in a community, but the soldiers of the State Border Service did not allow them to do it. Under the whistling of mines, the russians ran away into the industrial zone. At least seven occupiers took refuge in one of the warehouses, which was hit by a mortar attack. A few more families of the russian invaders will wait for their "liberators" on New Year's Eve ... in a black package under the Christmas tree.

Servicemen of the State Border Guard Service as part of the Defense Forces of Ukraine destroy the invaders and approximate victory over the aggressor country.

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