The government introduced changes to border regime requirements

15 of February 2016 12:21

The cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine made a decision on resolving certain issues of the border regime and creating conditions for ensuring more effective tracking of a surface situation in the territori

The cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine made a decision on resolving certain issues of the border regime and creating conditions for ensuring more effective tracking of a surface situation in the territorial sea and internal waters of Ukraine.

The relevant resolution "On amendment of the provision of the border regime" No. 52 was adopted on February 3, 2016 at the meeting of the Government.

This document for the first time legislatively determined the term of the border engineering constructions line. The resolution has improved the order of the account and stationing in bases of the small size vessels, their release, sailing and movement in the territorial sea and internal waters. In particular, the order of definition of places and arrangement requirements, ensuring of the bases safe operation has been established. There has also been eliminated the order of uncontrolled release of the small size vessels up to 2 nautical miles and in the internal waters, also there have been consideredissues concerning stationing of small size vessels in case of impossibility of their storage in bases, control of small size vessels, informingof the State Border Guard Serviceunits by boatmastersduring exiting to the territorial sea, internal waters of Ukraine,the ones located in controlled border areas, on condition of release of these vesselsfrom bases outside of the controlled border areas. Besides, boarding and landing of passengers, loading, unloadingof vessels, and also their approach in the territorial sea and internal waters to foreign and Ukrainian vessels of foreign following, except only for casesconnected with natural disaster, an accident and a catastrophe is forbidden out of the bases and for those, which are not allowed to operate. The exit and navigation of vessels after the end of the navigation period and at night, and for the vessels with the insufficient effective area of dispersion for their identification by means of radar stations without radar reflectorsis also forbidden.

This Resolution also regulates the order of entrance and movementof persons in controlled border areas. In particular, the order of entrance and stay of citizens between the border and the line of border engineering constructions and establishment, and in case of need, of additional temporary regime restrictionsis defined. The territorywithin which it is forbidden to bring to and take out personswithout identification documentsis expanded to the controlled border area.

Adoption of this normative legal act will allow to counteracteven more effectivelythe threats at the border, including those emerging at the sea direction. Also there have been adopted a number of requirements because ofboatmastersignoring the legislation requirements about navigation safety and safe operation of the facilities of bases,which has recently led to the unjustified death of people.

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