The First Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service met with the Head of the Representation of the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine

11 of August 2022 08:03

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and prospects for its further development.

At the beginning of the meeting, Head of the Delegation of the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine, Anh Nguyen, expressed his support and admiration for the Ukrainian border guards, who were the first to meet the enemy and, together with other members of the Security and Defense Forces, continue to protect Ukraine and repel Russian aggression.

At the same time, First Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service Volodymyr Nikiforenko thanked the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine for consistent support of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in matters of institutional development and approximation to the best world standards in the field of border management, including support in defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The parties also discussed the security situation at the state border of Ukraine, the situation at the checkpoints across the state border, and the challenges facing the border guards.

Separately, representatives of the IOM raised questions about the needs of the SBGSU in the context of granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership and confirmed their readiness for joint activities, including through the implementation of joint projects and initiatives.

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