The enemy continues to shell the borders of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions from the territory of the russian federation

08 of August 2022 10:27

Yesterday, on the 7th of August, the territories of the Bilopillia, Esman, Nova Sloboda and Seredyna-Buda communities of Sumy region and Semenivka and Horodnia communities of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

In the morning and afternoon, the russian invaders covered the outskirts of the settlements of the Bilopillia community with mortar fire. In total, the russians released a dozen of 120-mm mines in the community. The fire started from the russian settlement of volfine. As a result of the shelling, private houses and civil infrastructure of the settlement were damaged.

The Esman and Nova Sloboda communities were shelled by the invaders' self-propelled artillery, there were 18 and 14 explosions from the side of the russian villages of begoshcha and tiotkino. In the Nova Sloboda community, a farm and a hangar with agricultural machinery were damaged by enemy shells. Also, it caused damage to power lines.

The enemy fired mortars and barrel artillery at the Seredyna-Buda community, 7 explosions were recorded.

The invaders released 8 mines of 120 mm caliber from the side of the russian town chornozemnyi horodok on the territory of the Horodnia community.

8 more enemy munitions exploded on the territory of Semenivka community. Barrel artillery of the russians fired at the Ukrainian border from the side of the village of lomakivka.

The personnel of the Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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