The enemy continues to attack by fire the border guard communities from the territory of russia.

17 of August 2022 10:42

Yesterday, on 16-th of August, the russian occupation forces attacked by fire the border guard communities of Ukraine with barrel artillery, mortars, automatic guns and grenade launchers.

Velyka Pysarivka, Krasnopillia, Khotin, Bilopollia, Shalyhyne and Mykolaiv communities of Sumy region, the Novhorod-Siverskyi and Semenivka communities of Chernihiv region, and Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region, which is on the border with Sumy region, came under enemy fire.

rashysts attacked by fire the territory of Bilopillia community with mortars and barrel artillery three times a day. In total, there were more than half a hundred explosions of mines and artillery projectiles. The fire was coming from the russian settlements of wolfino and tiotkino.

Also, Shalyhyne community came under enemy fire three times a day, and more than three dozen russian artillery projectiles exploded on its territory.

In the morning, the enemy from the russian settlement of hordiivka attacked by fire the territory of the Khotin community. The enemy fired from automatic grenade launchers and 30-mm automatic guns.

In the afternoon, invaders twice covered with 122-mm barrel artillery projectiles the territory of Mykolaiv community from the russian settlements of politotdielcheskoie and komsomolskoie, in total about two dozen explosions were accounted.

The enemy fired barrel artillery 4 times on the outskirts of one of the settlements of the Novgorod-Siverskyi community.

In the evening, the occupiers from the side of the russian settlement of viazove fired twice from a mortar on the territory of Krasnopillia community.

At the same time, the rashysts fired at Semenivka community from a self-propelled artillery piece - 16 explosions were accounted.

Later, the rashysts covered the territory of Velyka Pysarivka community with mortar fire, a dozen 120-mm mines landed. The enemy fired from the russian settlement of spodariushyno.

Also, the occupiers fired twice from barrel artillery on the territory of Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region (which is on the border with Sumy region) from the russian settlement of bezymeno.

The Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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