The enemy continues shelling of the border of Ukraine from the territory of russia

15 of August 2022 09:59

Yesterday, on the 14th of August, Yunakivka, Khotin, Bilopillia, Novoslobidka and Esman communities of Sumy Oblast came under enemy fire.

In the first half of the day, the rashists shelled the territory of Yunakivka community seven times, firing from mortars and barrel artillery. There were about fifty hits. The fire came from the russian settlements of suja, nikolaievo-darino, guevo and sverdlikovo. As a result of the shelling, the private farm building, the private house and the granary of the farm enterprise were damaged.

In the afternoon there were 12 explosions of barrel artillery on the territory of Khotin community. The fire came from the russian settlement of sergiivka. Some time later the enemy fired 120 mm mortars and 152 mm self-propelled guns within border areas of Bilopillia community from the russian settlement of tiotkino. Totally there were more than 25 shells explosions on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, the invaders used grenades and small arms, including large-calibre weapon. In the evening, occupiers using the barrel artillery fired more than two dozen times at Novoslobidka community from the settlement of tiotkino. Later, the enemy covered the territory of Esman community with mortar fire; more than three dozen hits were counted. The fire was coming from the russian settlement of troebortnoe. Members of the Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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