The enemy continued to shell the border areas of Sumy region

18 of August 2022 10:18

Yesterday, August 17, the invaders fired from russian territory using mortars and barrel artillery.

The communities of Velikopysarivka, Krasnopillia, Myropil, Esman, Shalygine and Bilopillia of Sumy region came under enemy fire.

In the morning and afternoon, in a total of four cases, barrel artillery and mortars of the russians fired at the territory of the Bilopillia community with 122 and 120 caliber mortars. More than sixty shells came from the russian settlements of novyi put, tyotkino, and obod. The premises of a farm were damaged by the explosions in one of the settlements of the community.

Also, the enemy from the russian settlement of spodaryushyno shelled the territory of the Velikopysarivka community with 120-mm mortars, counting 12 parishes.

In the afternoon, the occupiers shelled the territory of the Krasnopillia community three times with 120-mm mortars and 122-mm barrel artillery, almost twenty explosions were recorded in total. The fire came from the russian settlements of vysokoe, podvysokoe, and grafovka.

The enemy hit the Esman community twice with barrel artillery. The fire was delivered from the area of the settlement of elkot. In the first half of the day, the russians fired almost two dozen shells at civilian infrastructure. Private houses of civilians and commercial buildings were damaged. After 6 p.m., more than twenty russian shells were fired. As a result of the shelling, a private residence was completely burned down, power lines were damaged.

The Shalygine community was shelled by the enemy from the russian village of kozine from a MLRS - 20 explosions.

In addition, russian self-propelled guns fired half a dozen 122-mm shells from the direction of the village of guyevo on the territory of the Myropil community.

The Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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