The channel of illegal transportation of persons of draft age has been eliminated at the border

25 of December 2022 08:13

Illegal transportation of persons across the border was carried out on a family basis

A joint interdepartmental group consisting of operatives of the State Border Service and employees of the SSU Directorate in the Rivne region, with the force support of the "Alfa" special unit, documented the fact of organizing the illegal transportation of people across the border in Odesa. The organizer, who turned out to be a local resident of the region, was detained during direct transportation outside the BCP to the Republic of Moldova of two Ukrainians of draft age. The price set by the "dealer" for his services is $4,000 for each "traveler".

During the operational measures, two more accomplices of criminal actions were detained: the smuggler's father and brother, who took an active part in preparing for an illegal trip and contributed to the commission of a criminal offense by their actions.

The pre-trial investigation continues.

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