The border guards prevented the tobacco smuggling from Ukraine to Romania

25 of October 2022 08:07

Servicemen of the Chernivtsi detachment stopped the illegal movement of tobacco products across the Ukrainian-Romanian border.

The border detail of the "Krasnoilsk" division detected a group of people moving towards the border with Romania yesterday afternoon. Three smugglers carrying packages were spotted 300 meters from the state border.

With the appearance of servicemen, the offenders abandoned their burdens and managed to escape. Even several warning shots did not stop the smugglers. During the inspection of the surrounding area, border guards discovered 3,900 packs of foreign-made cigarettes without Ukrainian excise tax stamps.

Currently, the tobacco products have been delivered to the border division. After processing the relevant documents, the cigarettes will be handed over to the National Police. According to a preliminary estimate, the value of the confiscated goods is more than 170,000 hryvnas.

Currently, the search for dealers who intended to smuggle tobacco to a neighboring country is ongoing.

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