The anti-tank crew of border guards stopped the invasion of the russian tank column for two hours

21 of August 2022 08:08

The full-scale invasion of the russians into Ukraine was met by the border guard Viktor in Luhansk region. At that time, about half a hundred enemy tanks were headed towards his position.

After the rotation, Viktor serves in the northwestern part of the border, where he told his story to journalist Andrii Hnatyuk for the first time.

Victor said that the invaders entered Ukraine safely, not expecting any resistance.

- They did not hide and did not think at all that they would meet any armed resistance from our side," says the border guard.

- The boys and I fired a number of well-hit shots at the enemy's armored vehicles, as a result of which the first tank was damaged, - Viktor continues. The work of his anti-tank crew made the aggressors panic. The huge convoy stopped for one and a half to two hours. This provided an opportunity for the Defense Forces of Ukraine to regroup in order to better repel uninvited guests and permanently force the enemy to abandon the idea of ​​taking Kyiv in 2-3 days.

Viktor also spoke about his participation in the battles for Popasna, where the russians mercilessly destroyed the city.

- The units of the State Border Guard Service were at the so-called ground zero and were the ears and eyes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: they detected armored vehicles, adjusted artillery fire, - says the border guard. And although the ratio of manpower and equipment in these battles was sometimes 8 to 1 in favor of the enemy, Viktor is sure that it is the Ukrainians who will celebrate the victory in this war, because the guys are fighting to the last and we have no other way out.

Now Victor's service is much calmer, but the soldier does not lose his vigilance, because he realizes that not only missiles can enter Ukraine from the territory of a country allied with russia.

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