The aggressor continues to shell the border communities of Ukraine from russia

09 of August 2022 11:01

Yesterday, August 8, the invaders shelled the Ukrainian border area with large-caliber weapons, mortars, rocket and barrel artillery.

Communities of Velikopysarivka, Myropil, Krasnopillia, Khotin, Seredino-Buda and Shalygine of Sumy region, Semenivka community in Chernihiv region and Zolochiv in Kharkiv region came under enemy fire.

In the morning, the enemy from the russian settlement of kucherov shelled the territory of the Myropil community with a large-caliber machine gun.

From the russian settlement of Dronivka, the invaders shelled the territory of the Krasnopillia community twice, about half a hundred explosions of artillery shells and mortar mines were counted.

The occupiers fired about a dozen artillery shells from the russian village of Zernovo on the territory of the Seredyna-Buda community.

On the outskirts of the settlements of the Shalygine community, the russians fired from self-propelled artillery pieces and MLRS. More than 20 hits were recorded. As a result of the explosion of an enemy projectile, a local woman died from a shrapnel wound in the neck.

At the same time, 4 explosions from a mortar were recorded on the territory of the Khotin community, the fire came from the russian settlement of elizavetovka.

Later, the enemy inflicted fire damage on the territory of the Velikopysarovka community, including more than 15 hits, with the use of MLRS "Grad" and 120-mm mortars. The fire came from the russian settlement of poroz.

Also, in the afternoon, the enemy from the russian settlement bezimennoe covered the territory of Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region, which is on the border with Sumy region, with artillery fire from 122-mm self-propelled guns. About a dozen hits were counted.

The enemy shelled the Semenivka community in the Chernihiv region twice, using mortars and a MLRS, with almost 20 hits. Fire was opened from the russian settlements of lomakivka and brovnychi.

The Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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