Situation at the Ukrainian-Russian border and in the ATO zone

29 of February 2016 17:06

Border guards continue to guard the Ukrainian-Russian border and separation line between the ATO forces and militants.

Border guards continue to guard the Ukrainian-Russian border and separation line between the ATO forces and militants.

There were not attacks of the block posts where border guards serve with the Armed Forces throughout the day.

Not far from the village of Kulykivske the border guards of Berdyansk border detachment detected one unmanned air vehicle (UAV). At the entry-exit checkpoint “Novotroitske” border guards stopped the citizen of Ukraine who tried to give a bribe one thousand hryvnyas worth for the vehicle free passage. The woman followed up to Donetsk with cargo of clothes.

The detainee was transferred to the representatives of National police. Last day at the entry exit checkpoints border guards in cooperation with representatives of fiscal authorities stopped nine vehicles that tried to move a cargo of clothes, shoes and food. While checking at the entry exit checkpoint "Maryinka" the inspection group stopped seven vehicles with more than a ton of meat that followed on the uncontrolled territory. The goods estimated at more than seventy thousand hryvnyas were seized. Also they stopped two vehicles at the checkpoint “Novotroitske”. One of the drivers tried to transport over 300 pairs of women's shoes, which were hidden in the double bottom of the vehicle. Confiscated goods estimated at about 30 thousand were transferred to the representatives of Fiscal Service. Another driver transported clothes on the territory controlled by the militants.

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