Since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 9.3 million people have crossed

22 of June 2022 10:31

Ukraine's border with the EU and Moldova in both directions. The main category of citizens crossing the border are women and children.

During the war, there are restrictions on the departure of men from Ukraine, but this rule has a fairly wide range of exceptions. It does not apply to young men under 18 and men over 60.

Truckers and volunteers transporting humanitarian aid, railway workers, athletes and coaches regularly cross the border in both directions. Moreover, men permanently residing abroad, getting higher education abroad, father with many children and a single father, persons with disabilities and some others have the right to leave Ukraine.

In total, since February 24, the State Border Guard Service has registered more than 9.3 million people for both entry and exit from Ukraine.

More than 5.7 million people were expelled from the country, the vast majority of whom are citizens of Ukraine. Besides, more than 3 million Ukrainian citizens were persecuted to enter Ukraine during this time.

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