Serhii Deineko visited wounded border guards who are undergoing treatment

24 of July 2022 08:12

The head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine visited servicemen who are being treated after being wounded. Among them are seriously wounded.

Serhii Deineko wished the border guards a speedy recovery.

Defenders from various units of the agency, including from Mariupol, are currently being treated at the medical facility.

The Head of the State Border Service praised the courage and heroism of all border guards. He thanked everyone for their selfless defense of the Motherland.

"Thank you for your courage, thank you for your service. Thank you that thanks to you, Ukraine continues to remain independent and free," said Serhiy Deineko.

The head of the State Border Service inquired about the state of health of each wounded person and separately talked with doctors and medical personnel about the course of treatment and the necessary rehabilitation.

The doctors noted that every wound is a challenge for medicine, and the wounds received by the fighters require step-by-step treatment, but they assured that they are doing everything possible and impossible for the boys, for their recovery, and for this there is everything they need.

Serhii Deineko also presented the border guards with awards for their courage and spoke frankly with the servicemen.

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