Russian troops again shelled the border areas of Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions

15 of November 2022 10:57

Yesterday, November 14, the russian invaders shelled the Ukrainian border area with the use of UAVs, mortars, barrel and rocket artillery.

The Velikopysarivka, Krasnopillia, Yunakivka, Khotin, Seredyna Buda, and Vorozhba communities of Sumy region, Zolochiv community of Kharkiv region, which borders Sumy region, and Semenivka community of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

Three times a day, the russians shelled the territory of the Krasnopillia community with barrel artillery and 82-mm mortars, in total there were about a dozen explosions from the bursts of artillery shells and more than two dozen - from mines. The fire was coming from the russian settlements of gornal, poroz, and vyazovo. The invaders also dropped an explosive device from a drone on the territory of the same community. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

In the first half of the day, russians from the district of the russian settlement of tyotkino covered one of the settlements of the Vorozhba community with fire from barrel artillery, two dozen explosions were recorded. As a result of the shelling, one of the enterprises was damaged, three people were injured.

At noon, the enemy from the area of the village of zernove shelled the Seredyna Buda community with rocket artillery - eight explosions were recorded. Homes of civilians, a shop and a gas pipeline were damaged.

Subsequently, the invaders shelled the territory of the Yunakivka community with barrel artillery, counting about two dozen explosions. The fire was coming from the russian settlement of sverdlikovo.

In the evening, the enemy from the russian settlement of sinyak covered the territory of the Khotin community with fire from 120-mm mortars, more than two dozen hits were counted.

From the side of the russian settlement bezimenne invaders fired at the territory of the Zolochiv community with 82-mm mortars. About a dozen explosions were counted.

The enemy fired 120 mm mortars - 13 explosions - in the Semenivka community from the russian village of miritsa.

The Defense Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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