Russian occupation forces continue to attack by fire the Ukrainian border areas

15 of February 2023 10:41

Yesterday, on 14-th of February, the rushists continued firing the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using unmanned aerial vehicles, mortars, grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns. Yunakivka, Seredyna-Buda and Bilopillia communities of Sumy Oblast and Semenivka of Chernihiv Oblast came under enemy fire.

In the first half of the day, the russian occupiers fired the territory of Yunakivka community with 120-mm mortars, half a dozen explosions were counted. The fire came from the russian settlement of nikolaievo-darino. In addition, the enemy twice dropped one explosive charge from drones on the territory of the same community. Fortunately, there were no victims.

The enemy shelled the territory of Seredyna-Buda community with 120 mm mortars, totally 6 hits were counted.

The fire came from the russian settlement of hrudska.

Semenivka community was also under mortar fire. rushists discharged 6 mines of 120 mm caliber on the territory of community. The fire was opened from the settlement of opten.

At noon, about three dozen shots from a 30-mm rack-mounted automatic grenade launcher, as well as a burst from a large-caliber machine gun and small arms were heard in the border area of Bilopillia community. The fire came from the russian settlements of volfino and krasnooktiabrskyi.

The Defence Forces continue to protect Ukraine from russian invaders.

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