Rushysts continue shelling the Ukrainian frontier areas

17 of February 2023 10:11

Yesterday, February 16, russian occupation forces continued to shell the frontier areas of Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts.

The enemy attacked using UAVs, mortars and cannon artillery. Velyka Pysarivka, Krasnopillia, Khotyn, Yunakivka, Bilopillia, Novoslobidka, Esman and Shalyhine communities of Sumy region and Snovsk community of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

In the morning, russian invaders shelled the territory of the Velykopysarivka community with 120-mm mortars, and three dozen explosions were heard. The fire came from the russian settlement of kozynka.

In the afternoon, from the russian settlement of tiotkino the enemy fired 120-mm mortars at the territory of Bilopillia community; about a dozen hits were counted.

Later, the enemy dropped an explosive charge from a drone onto the territory of the Krasnopillia community. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.

The enemy fired twice from 120-mm mortars at the border of the Esman territorial community from the settlements of troybortne and lokot; there were recorded 11 hits.

Novoslobidka community was under enemy mortar fire from the area of the settlement of tiotkino. There were recorded 8 hits.

Shalyhine community was also under mortar fire. rushysts fired 8 mines of 120-mm. The fire came from the direction of the village of anatolievka.

The enemy shelled the community of Snovsk with 120-mm mortars  a total of 6 hits were recorded from the russian settlement of khoromne.

During the day, russian occupants fired at the territory of the Khotyn community with cannon artillery and mortars. In total, there were about a dozen explosions from shells and a dozen and a half from mines. The fire came from the russian settlements of troitske and nikolayevo-daryino.

In the late afternoon, the enemy fired 120-mm mortars from the russian settlement of sverdlikove at the territory of the Yunakivka community; there were heard approximately a dozen explosions.

The Defense Forces continue to defend Ukraine from russian invaders.

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