Results of border guards' combat activities for the week

24 of July 2024 08:24

During the week from July 15 to July 21, 2024, the soldiers of the State Border Guard Service killed 26 invaders and wounded 33 enemy soldiers.

Also during the week, border guards destroyed 20 observation posts, 39 shelters, 3 field depots with ammunition, 9 guns, 1 platoon stronghold and 1 mortar, 2 tanks, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, 1 self-propelled artillery unit, 1 MTLB multipurpose transporter, 1 armored fighting vehicle and 25 other means of transport.

In addition, the servicemen of the State Border Guard Service destroyed two “Murom-M” video surveillance systems, 6 antennas, including one communication system, one electronic intelligence system and two enemy electronic warfare devices. Border guards also shot down 60 enemy UAVs.

Border guards as part of the Defense Forces are effectively protecting Ukraine from russian invaders.

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