Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain Pedro Sanchez visited wounded border guards

01 of July 2023 18:05

Today, in the framework of visiting Ukraine Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain Pedro Sanchez been in the SBGSU hospital where visited wounded border guards.

During the meeting Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Serhii Serdiuk thanked to Prime Minister and the Government of the Kingdom of Spain for their support of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. Also, he assured that Ukraine continue being the reliable outpost of the security in the Eastern border of Europe.

Besides, he expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Spain and to the funds of the Monastery of “Santa Clara” and “Ambassadors of peace” for their significant contribution to provide security of the Ukrainian land.

In total, after beginning of the full-scale invasion, Spanish partners realized a number of projects of humanitarian and logistics support of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to evacuate and provide health care for border guards warriors. It should be noted that in the same time the training of the Mobile hospital of the SBGSU personnel has begun the Spanish air-force base in Saragossa.

In general, from the beginning of the full-scale russian aggression for the support of Spain were evacuated for treatment 35 border guards and also provided to the SBGSU a number of vehicles, medical items, surgery equipment.

We are thanking to people of Spain for their sincere and extremely important material and spiritual support people of Ukraine.

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