Practical training of future border guard officers continues at the border

22 of December 2021 08:01

The cadets of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of the fourth course continue their practical training in the Volyn, Zhytomyr and Chernihiv border guard detachments and a separate checkpoint “Kyiv”.

At the border, fourth-year cadets improve the knowledge gained during their years of study at the border guard academy and get acquainted with the peculiarities of organizing service on primary officer positions. In particular, cadets take an active part in the service of details, get acquainted with the characteristics of illegal activities and the state of engineering arrangement of the state border.

Future officers also study the specifics of service at road, rail and air checkpoints. They participate in the planning of border guard details service, prepare official documents and materials on administrative offenses.

In addition to accomplishing the internship program, each cadet gets unforgettable impressions and memories from the practical application of the knowledge gained at the academy. Future officers were also introduced to the legend of the Ukrainian air fleet – the largest cargo liner in the world, An-225 Mriya.

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