On an inflatable mattress to Romania: four men evading conscription were detained near the border

21 of February 2023 08:17

A group of men liable for military service was detected by the border patrol of Mamalyha Border Guard Division recently.

Four men were detained while they were preparing the boat for illegal “border crossing”. Initially the detainees planned to cross the Prut River on an inflatable mattress at the risk of their lives. The border violators were residents of Vinnytsia and Chernivtsi regions, aged 22 to 35 years.

Three other residents of Vinnytsia region were detained at one of the control posts near the village of Podvirne, Chernivtsi region. The offenders were moving to the border in a Geely vehicle and could not explain the purpose of their arrival to the border regime zone.

The offenders were taken to the border guard units in order to clarify all the circumstances of the violations and draw up protocols on administrative offenses. They will have to appear in court for the attempt to cross the border illegally.

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