Let’s check our watches and destroy the occupiers! Head of the State Border Guard Service visited positions of defenders near Bakhmut and Avdiivka

25 of February 2023 07:45

During his trip to the eastern part of the country, the Head of the State Border Guard Service visited the hotspots of Ukraine’s defensive efforts, namely the fortress of Bakhmut and Avdiivka, where the fiercest battles are taking place.

On the front line, Serhii Deineko met with soldiers and leaders of border guard units. They discussed the details of the defense of the positions held by border guards and actions to destroy the enemy in their area of responsibility.

The leader of the State Border Guard Service also discussed the needs of soldiers in areas of hostilities: provision, armament, and technical equipment. He once again assured the defenders of the priority of their provision.

Border guards provided a thorough briefing about the measures taken to repel constant enemy attacks and the means used in battles. In addition, it was emphasized that due to the close cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they manage to destroy not only the enemy infantry but also ammunition depots, which burn like fireworks.

The Head of the State Border Guard Service thanked the soldiers on behalf of the state leadership, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and himself personally for the courage and unbreakable spirit of the fighters, and presented state awards and departmental awards.

The head of the service emphasized the importance of preserving the health and lives of soldiers. “Come back alive and unharmed. This is important for all your relatives, loved ones, for your commanders and for me personally,” said Serhii Deineko.

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