Law enforcement officers stopped the activities of an organized criminal group that traded cars for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

14 of August 2022 08:04

Members of the group imported 135 cars to the territory of Ukraine for further sale for the purpose of their own enrichment. Cars have been imported under the guise of a charitable organization since April of this year.

Criminal activity was exposed as a result of joint actions of the State Border Service, the Main Investigative Directorate under the operational support of the Department of Criminal Investigation and the Department of Criminal Analysis of the National Police of Ukraine.

It was established that the criminal organization was organized by a resident of Dnipro who founded a charitable organization. During the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, he and his accomplices traveled abroad and, under the guise of charity, imported cars received as humanitarian aid into the territory of Ukraine. Later, instead of handing over the vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the perpetrators sold them for profit.

In the course of documenting the criminal activities of the group, the operative purchase of three vehicles was carried out in the city of Dnipro. In addition, it was established that the perpetrators traded cars also in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions.

During 30 inspections at the residences and activities of the persons involved, law enforcement officers seized 33 cars imported into the territory of Ukraine as humanitarian aid, and other investigative actions are being conducted within the framework of open criminal proceedings. The sanction of the article provides imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with confiscation of property.

Procedural management is carried out by prosecutors of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Office.

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