Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters considered the results of joint training of the special border operation “Polissia” components

10 of December 2021 08:00

A regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters for Counteracting a Possible Migration Crisis on the Border with the Republic of Belarus took place in Kyiv.

Representatives of the regional coordination headquarters also joined the meeting.

One of the main discussed issues was the results of the joint training of the security and defense sector components, which are involved in the special border operation “Polissia”.

As noted by the First Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Head of the Interdepartmental Coordination Staff Volodymyr Nikiforenko, exercises at all sites were conducted at a high level, which was given a proper assessment. He also thanked all the participants for their professionalism, competence, understanding of the tasks and comprehensive support.

During the meeting it was noted that the set of measures to prepare for joint action lasted more than a week and was carried out to implement the Government's decision on cooperation and coordination in strengthening protection of Ukraine's border in case of aggravation. This took place within all regions bordering Belarus, and units and reserves from the Border Guard, the police, the National Guard, the SES, the Migration Service, and the Armed Forces were involved.

The Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova, who was present at the meeting, also noted that monitoring visits would begin in the near future, primarily to units of the State Border Guard Service in Zhytomyr and Chernihiv regions.

Separately, the meeting noted the importance of all components to properly inform the public about the implementation of tasks under Operation Polissia and to respond quickly to the spread of fake information and effectively combat misinformation.

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