In Transcarpathia the smugglers on a tractor and

25 of December 2022 08:05

In Transcarpathia border guards with warning shots pursued a group of smugglers who were trying to smuggle cigarettes into Hungary.

The operatives of the Mukachevo detachment found out about possible smuggling. The violators appeared in the evening, when it was already dark. They arrived in a tractor-trailer and stopped near the line of utility barriers. But, noticing the approach of the border guards of the "Vylok" department, the tractor moved sharply. Instead of complying with the request to stop, the tractor driver began to maneuver dangerously and almost ran into the border guards. The detail fired several warning shots, after which the vehicle drove a short distance, than the driver jumped out of the cab and tried to escape, but could not.

The border guards found three more accomplices of the arrested tractor driver in a corn field. One of them was found with a thermal imager, due to which the "reconnaissance officer" could monitor the border outfits in the dark.

Near the fences, where the tractor stopped, the border guards detained eight boxes of cigarettes, as well as homemade wooden bridges, due to which the offenders planned to cross the control strip, and a garden rake, which they wanted to use to destroy the traces of their activities.

Regarding the detained men, documents of administrative proceedings were drawn up for violation of border legislation, including disobedience to law enforcement officers.

Almost 4,000 packs of cigarettes, a tractor and a trailer were handed over by border guards to the National Police.

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