In the Kharkiv region, the occupiers tried to establish the educational process according to their program

02 of November 2022 08:10

Operational and investigative units of the State Border Service, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, continue to document crimes committed by collaborating educators.

Thus, as a part of the pre-trial investigation, a joint interdepartmental group consisting of operatives of the border guard detachment, investigators of the Chuguyiv Division of the National Police, under the procedural guidance of the Vovchan Division of the Chuguyiv Prosecutor's Office, conduct inquiries in places of the Vovchan Medical College of the Kharkiv Regional Council.

During the conduct inquiries, the documentation of the russian occupation authorities was discovered and seized, which indicates that during the occupation of Vovchansk the russians, together with the viable teaching staff, planned to restore the educational process in the medical college, but entirely according to the russian program and in russian language.

Also, the investigation established that teachers who agreed to cooperate with the occupation regime were promised to be paid wages in russian rubles.

Thus, for voluntary cooperation with the enemy, as well as for attempts to introduce occupation standards of education, the teaching staff of the medical college can face criminal liability, because such actions are considered collaborationism.

Currently, a pre-trial investigation is underway.

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