In the Chernivtsi region border guards detained offenders with gunfire

24 of October 2021 08:01

Border guards of the Chernivtsi detachment stopped two attempts to smuggle cigarettes into Romania outside the border crossing points.

At the Bila Krynytsia border guard division, the response team pursued two men who were found with packages of cigarettes on their way to the border. Violators were detained only after warning shots.

The detainees turned out to be residents of border villages. They had three packages of cigarettes, and during the area examination, border guards found 5 packages of tobacco products more nearby. So far, 3,760 packs of cigarettes were confiscated, and administrative protocol was carried out as for the detainees. The measure of responsibility of border residents for attempting to cross the border illegally and malicious disobedience to border guards will be established by the court.

Another attempt to smuggle cigarettes into Romania was stopped by border guards at the Selyatyn division section. Unidentified persons, who were found by the border guards, noticed the servicemen and immediately ran away, leaving packages containing 5,850 packs of cigarettes without excise stamps. The tobacco products have now been delivered to the border unit and are expected to be handed over to customs officials.

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