In Sumy region, law enforcement officers detained a man who tried to smuggle 5 women to the russian federation for a bribe

10 of June 2023 08:00

The other day in Sumy region, law enforcement officers detained a man who tried to give an illegal benefit to an official of the State Border Guard Service for a group of people to help them cross the border from Ukraine to the russian federation.

During control over the commission of a criminal offense, the law enforcement officers detained the offender directly at the time of giving the border guard the second part of the illegal benefit in the amount of 600 euros, 300 dollars and 4 thousand UAH. The total amount of unlawful benefit is 600 euros, 300 dollars and 24 thousand UAH.

The investigation established that the man tried to illegally transport 5 women citizens of Ukraine through one of the temporarily closed border crossing points from Ukraine to the russian federation by bribing a border guard. As it turned out, one of the citizens was on her way to her relatives, the rest had with them their permanent residence permits in the territory of the russian federation.

Currently, a man born in 1983 has been detained. Investigations are ongoing.

Protocols on an administrative offense have been drawn up for 5 women citizens of Ukraine, and they face administrative responsibility for attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine.

The measures were carried out under the procedural guidance of the Sumy Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the Military and Defense Field of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the Military and Defense Field of the Central Region, a joint interdepartmental group, which included officers of the Department of Internal Security of the Sumy Border Guard Detachment and investigators of the State Security Service in the Sumy region.

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