In Slovakia, border guards of the Chop detachment studied the Slovak language

18 of October 2021 08:00

From October 4 to 8 this year, in the Slovak town of Zemplinska Širava, border guards of the Chop detachment underwent an intensive course in the Slovak language.

The training was organized jointly with the Center for Regional Risk Analysis in the framework of the international project “Safe and Inclusive Border between Ukraine and the Slovak Republic.”

Its purpose is to exchange modern best practices and increase the level of professional training of law enforcement personnel. The event was opened in a solemn atmosphere with the participation of the Adviser to the Consul General of the Slovak Republic in Uzhhorod Roman Zhatko and the Director of the Center for Regional Risk Analysis Svitlana Mitriaieva.

Soldiers who serve directly in the border protection units on the Ukrainian-Slovak section were invited to participate in the course. They studied the basics of the Slovak language and special terminology on border issues for five days.

One of the participants of the exercise, the district inspector of the Solomonovo border guard division, Master Sergeant Myroslav Vaida, shared his impressions of the course: “This is my first time participating in such events. For me, it is very useful and, at the same time, incredibly interesting. Of course, mastering a foreign language in five days is unrealistic, but the easy form of studying and daily communication with Slovak colleagues gave a good result. I can communicate on basic topics and on border topics. In the future, I hope to impove the acquired knowledge.”

Captain Andrii Zvarych, first Deputy Head of the Novoselytsia Border Guard Division, who also took part in the exercises, said: “I consider such courses necessary for all servicemen who are involved in the performance of duties both at checkpoints and at the “green border”. First, it will allow us and our Slovak colleagues to better understand each other, because we serve in joint patrols and communicate within the limits of service necessity. Also, joint training is a great opportunity to share experiences and even learn from European colleagues.”

By the way, during the summing up of the classes, the Slovak teachers noted the high result of the exercises, which was demonstrated by the border guards of the Chop detachment.

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