In Lviv and Kharkiv regions, the border guards detected two persons who were wanted for committing crimes

04 of May 2023 08:13

In one case, the offender was detained at the Shehyni border crossing point in Lviv region.

During the checking of a regular bus coming from Poland, the border guards found a 52-year-old citizen of Georgia. During the passport control, there was an alert in the database regarding the passenger, who was wanted by law enforcement agencies. The border guards found out that the man got to Poland this year in autumn and managed to cross the border before the search for him was initiated.

In another case, border guards detected a man who had been hiding from law enforcement officers since 2020 at one of the border crossing points. While checking the documents of a 30-year-old man who was on his way to Kharkiv on foot, the border guards figured out that the citizen of Ukraine is wanted on suspicion of committing a criminal offense.

In both cases, the border guards informed the initiator of the orders and transferred the wanted citizens to the competent authorities.

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