In Bukovyna, border guards discovered a hiding place with tobacco products

03 of November 2022 08:14

Border guards of the "Selyatyn" division, together with military personnel of the C-type division, discovered a hiding place with tobacco products.

The place of accumulation of tobacco products was located in a hard-to-reach area of the Carpathians, 2 km from the state border. Five packages, wrapped in black film, were carefully disguised under old branches and were waiting for further movement to Romania.

Totally, border guards deprived smugglers of 2,475 packs of cigarettes without Ukrainian excise tax stamps.

All the goods were delivered to the border unit and, after processing the relevant documents, were handed over to the National Police. According to a preliminary estimate, the value of the seized goods is more than 100,000 hryvnias. The search for persons involved in the organization of illegal movement of tobacco products continues.

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