In Bukovyna, border guards detained smugglers with shots

30 of December 2022 08:02

In the Chernivtsi region, border guards stopped the attempt of violators to smuggle cigarettes across the Ukrainian-Romanian border

On Saturday evening during the operation on realization of the Chernivtsi detachment operatives’ anticipatory information the border patrol of the “Falkiv” division found the group of strangers with packages behind their backs. The men were moving along a mountain pass in the direction of the state border with Romania. When they saw the border guards the offenders dropped their packages and fled to avoid responsibility. The warning shots of the border guards did not stop the smugglers.

After checking the area adjacent to the border, the border guards found almost 5,000 packs of cigarettes without Ukrainian excise tax stamps. In the course of further search operations, the border guards detained two of the fled smugglers and the driver of a Volkswagen car, who were delivering cigarettes to the border. According to a preliminary estimate, the value of the seized tobacco goods is over 200,000 hryvnias.

Based on this fact, the border guards sent a report to the National Police about the detection of signs of a criminal offense.

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