14 of July 2021 08:01

According to the results of participation, the participants received the relevant Certificates.

Gender Assistants took a course for counselors. At the initiative of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Kateryna LEVCHENKO and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Warsaw, a multi-day online course of three modules for gender advisers was organized and conducted from June 16 to July 7, 2021.

Colonel Olesia KLYMENKO, Assistant to the SBGS Head for Gender Issues, Colonel Olena VOLOBUIEVA, Assistant to the Rector of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for Gender Issues, and Major Alina Harkusha, Assistant to the Chief of the Main Center for Training of SBGS Personnel on Gender Issues took part in the course.

The course curriculum consisted of lectures, seminars, group workshops, one-on-one sessions with trainers, homework, and focused on mastering practical skills and working methods related to the implementation of gender equality and the promotion of gender issues.

During the course, participants gained theoretical knowledge, learned from the experience of experts on gender issues and acquired practical skills in:

main functions and competencies of the position of gender advisor;

basic principles of implementation of gender mainstreaming, as a process of assessing the impact on women and men of any planned activity in all areas and at all levels;

basic concepts and main purpose of gender analysis, stages of its implementation;

basic principles of gender audit as a tool for assessing and verifying the institutionalization of gender equality, as well as the main stages of its implementation and key approaches;

development of "gender" action plans;

maintaining a communication strategy;

communication skills, including during public speeches, negotiations, storytelling, etc.

According to the results of participation, the participants received the relevant Certificates.

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