German Federal Police handed over body video recorders with face recognition capability to border guards

02 of December 2021 08:14

The transfer of equipment took place today in Kyiv, at the Main Center for Communication, Automation and Information Protection of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The Federal Police Liaison Officer at the German Embassy in Kyiv, Mr. Franz Weber, handed over modern body video recorders for the needs of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to strengthen the security component of border control and implement European norms and standards.

Border guards received sets of body video recorders with appropriate software for a total of 99 970 euros. The peculiarity of the new BVRs is that they have the ability to recognize people's faces in any environment, including crowds, indoors, outdoors, as well as due to the built-in infrared interface - and in places with limited lighting.

The received devices will be handed over to the servicemen of the Separate border crossing point “Kyiv”, who are serving at the capital's airports. The devices will allow you to record on video and audio possible offenses, unusual situations, provocative actions, ensuring the appropriate level of security, law and order.

Video recorders are to be attached to the uniforms of border guards for the duration of their official duties.

It should be noted that the project of international technical assistance is implemented on the basis of the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation in combating organized crime, terrorism and other crimes of medium gravity, serious and especially serious crimes.

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