From small arms to jet artillery - the enemy shelled the border in Sumy region

23 of June 2022 11:44

On the Day of Mourning and Honoring the Victims of War, the enemy fired on the Sumy region with small arms, mortars, and artillery, also enemy used drones

On the morning of June 22, from the territory of russia the enemy opened fire on the territory of the Yunakiv community with automatic small arms, and from the side of russia village totkino - with mortars, most likely 120 mm caliber, were fired at one of the settlements in the Bilopillya community.

As a result of the shelling, civilian infrastructure, a functioning medical facility, medical, agricultural and private vehicles were damaged, and several pets were injured.

In the afternoon, the enemy opened fire on the territory of the Khotyn community. In three cases, the invaders fired more than 60 missiles from the russian town gordeyevka from a multiple rocket launcher.

In addition, the enemy fired two dozen shells and dropped explosive devices from a drone on the territory of the Shostka community. Several munitions exploded in one of the cemeteries.

An enemy drone also dropped explosive devices in the area of one of the settlements of the Velykopysarivska community, one person killed.

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