Four Indians tried to escape to Hungary, despite the decree on forced return home

22 of December 2021 08:00

Four citizens of India were detained due to information received from the employees of the operational and search division of the Mukachevo border guard detachment.

The foreigners were detained on the outskirts of the village of Dyida by the personnel of Luzhanka border guard division together with officers of the operational and search division and migration police officers. All four detainees are men aged 27, 28 and 30. The Indians entered the territory of Ukraine legally, although they did not want to leave the territory of our country through the existing checkpoints.

Moreover, on 15.12.2021, for violating the rules of stay in Ukraine, these persons were detained by a joint interdepartmental group of border guards and employees of the State Migration Service in the city of Beregovo.

The Asians ignored the legal demands of law enforcement officers to return to their homeland, because they intended to illegally cross the Ukrainian-Hungarian border and then get to one of the countries of the European Union.

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