Enemy continues shelling the border of Sumy and Chernihiv regions

10 of February 2023 10:27

Yesterday, on the 9th of February, the russian occupation forces continued their criminal tactics of shelling the Ukrainian border.

The enemy inflicted fire damage using UAVs, mortars and barrel artillery. The Velyka Pysarivka, Yunakivka, Bilopillia, Esman and Znob-Novhorodske communities of Sumy region, Semenivka, Horodnia and the Novhorod-Siverskyi communities of Chernihiv region came under enemy fire.

During the day, the russian occupiers shelled the territory of the Bilopillia community in one case with 122-mm barrel artillery and in five cases with 120-mm mortars. In  total there were  more than a dozen explosions from shells and more than four and a half dozen from mines. The fire came from the russian settlements of vesele, volfino, zaria, totkino and tsehelnyi. In addition, the enemy dropped an explosive charge on the territory of the same community from a drone.

In the afternoon, the russian invaders shelled the territory of the Yunakivka community with 120-mm mortars, more than half a dozen arrivals were counted. The fire came from the russian settlement of sverdlikovo. One civilian was wounded as a result of the mortar attack.

Twice a day, the Semenivka territorial community was also under mortar fire - 26 120-mm mortar shells were fired by the enemy from from the settlements of luzhky and lomakivka.

The Horodnia community was shelled by the rushists with 120 mm mortars, a total of 4 hits were recorded. The fire came from the russian settlement of chornozemnyi horodok.

In the afternoon, the enemy dropped a total of three explosive charges on the territory of the Velyka Pysarivka community from drones in two cases.

Also, the enemy dropped an explosive charge from a drone on the territory of Novhorod-Siverskyi territorial community.

The enemy conducted mortar shelling along the border of the Esman territorial community from the direction of the village of kozine - 10 hits were recorded.

The Znob-Novgorodske community was shelled by the rushists with mortars of 120 mm caliber, in total 3 hits were recorded.  The fire came from the russian settlement of bila berizka.

The Defense Forces continue to defend Ukraine from the  russian invaders.

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