Denis Monastyrsky and the Head of the SBGS flew to Volyn to check the readiness to protect the Ukrainian border from the artificial migration crisis

17 of November 2021 08:01

On November ,11th, Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskyi, together with the Head of the State Border Guard Service Serhiy Dayneko, the Head of the National Police Ihor Klymenko and the Deputy Head of the National Guard Yuriy Lebed flew to Volyn Oblast.

The high-ranking officials left to work out actions to protect against a possible attempt to break through the Ukrainian border by artificially organized crowds of migrants, as well as to counter other hybrid threats, the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.

As part of a working trip to the Volyn region, to the site of the borderguard unit “Grabove” Lutsk border guard detachment, training will be conducted for combat coordination between all subordinate structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the State Border Guard Service, National Police, National Guard of Ukraine, State Emergency Service and Migration Service.

During the visit to Volyn, a meeting will also be held with the leaders of the United Territorial Communities, which are located along the border, together with the leadership of the region and law enforcement agencies to cooperate in case of threat to the Ukrainian border.

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