Defense, offensive, movement, battle, strike, maneuver - the art of military tactics

10 of May 2023 09:22

Self-defense skills, psychological stability, and first aid save lives. Conscripts who had no service experience underwent tactical training at the Maritime Guard Training Center of the State Border Service.

Under the guidance of experienced teachers, the border guards trained the most necessary basic skills.

Military personnel practiced an obstacle course of varying complexity, equipped with artificial obstacles and engineering structures. A five-meter horizontal log, a trench, a fence, a labyrinth - these elements of obstacles increase combat and physical training in order to successfully complete the task and firmly meet the enemy on the battlefield.

Through rigorous training in the field and simulations of various scenarios, defenders developed the appropriate skills to operate as part of a unit and in small groups.

Border guards simulated the procedure for providing first aid at night. Protective tactical glasses with closed lenses added difficulties when moving and identifying the wounded by his loud cry.

They practiced actions on the terrain, tactical medicine, engineering, movement with weapons and dynamic change of positions. At the same time, various methods of evacuating the wounded from the affected area were practiced, according to the protocol on providing pre-medical care of the international model and NATO standards.

The servicemen also successfully mastered working with a compass, reading topographic maps, and navigating the terrain.

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