Borderguards of the Sea Guard trained to counteract nuclear smuggling

12 of November 2022 08:02

Specialists on detection of radioactive materials conducted a course on counteraction smuggling of radioactive substances across the border for sailors-borderguards.

The main objective of the course was to ensure nuclear security requirements and to maintain the non-proliferation regime. During the theoretical part of the training, the lecturers acquainted the participants with the basics of international and internal documents regulating the management of radioactive materials, as well as with authorities and organizations that control compliance with the legislation in this sphere. Sailors-borderguards learned to use portable detectors and to detect and classify sources of radioactive emission with their help.

After the theoretical course, the participants of training consolidated in practice the knowledge that may be needed to prevent nuclear smuggling. In particular, borderguard sailors detected successfully radiation sources using portable detectors during the inspection of vehicles, as well as persons and their luggage. After detecting the training object placement, the borderguards practiced the procedure of detecting and preventing an attempt of smuggling of radioactive substances across the border.

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