Border guards stopped two minibusses with hidden goods

05 of July 2023 12:02

Border guards together with the representatives of the Custom Service detected a party of dairy products and sweetness on the state border with Poland.

Border guards stopped two minibusses to conduct border control procedure. A 26-years old man and a 28-years old woman arrived at “Krakivets” border crossing point simultaneously and selected the green line for the border control procedure.

However, during the inspection of the vehicles search group found a big number of hidden goods. In particular, the “Renault” driver hid goods in specially equipped hidden places between the passenger and cargo sections of the automobile. Her ally, the driver of the “Opel”, hid products under the passenger seat of the minibus.

In total violators tried to hid from border and other types of control above 1500 dairy products and above 600 packs of candies.

Law enforcement officers drew up protocol. The representatives of the Custom Service seized goods. The total sum of seized items will be estimated later.

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